Hi Sequoia Counseling Friends,
This blog post is part 2 of a series addressing self-care approaches to managing job burnout. If you did not see the first video or blog post on job burnout, I recommend watching/reading them first. This blog covers additional coping strategies from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (also known by the acronym “ACT”). ACT is considered a third-wave treatment approach (CBT is part of the second-wave) that includes mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, and an emphasis on behaving in ways that are consistent with one's values and beliefs. If you are new to ACT (or even if you aren't), these strategies will provide a fresh look and new approach to stress and burnout management. What is ACT?
ACT techniques emphasize an attitude or mindset of acceptance when approaching stress, conflict, or other undesired circumstances. ACT theorists are not saying that one one needs to stay stuck in misery, despair, or powerlessness; but rather that these circumstances are a part of life. ACT empowers individuals to develop new ways of coping that are helpful and effective. This 3 minute cartoon provides a simple introduction to ACT which will help to understand how this approach can be used for stressful work or life situations. ACT Solutions for Job Burnout
Here are 3 ACT techniques that can be used for managing job related stress and burnout (based on work by Robinson, Gould, Strosahl, and Hayes):
3. Looking at the big picture, what is working for you in your life? What are things you wish could be different? Robinson, Gould, Strosahl (2010) suggest exploring the areas of love, work, play, and health. If we can identify what our values are then we can ensure that we are thinking, acting, and planning in ways that are consistent with our intentions. Are there small ways you can make changes in your life to tip the scales more in the direction of "valued living"? This can help with resilience and coping with the stressful and overwhelming situations that lead to burnout.
Final Thoughts I hope this post has stirred up some hope and possibility for you. Sometimes the path towards the things that matter most involve perseverance, resilience, and change in the face of suffering and uncertainty. If you want support and guidance in this season of your life, contact me and let’s discuss your needs with a free 15-minute consultation for therapy. Through these challenges, let’s find your strength. <3 Be well! All blog posts from Dr. Soo Hoo are provided for educational and informational purposes only. As Dr. Soo Hoo is a licensed clinical and health psychologist, we must make it clear that nothing on the blog is intended to constitute medical or psychological advice, consultation, recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are concerned about your health, please seek appropriate care in your area. Comments are closed.
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